This volume is characterised by coloured figures/illustrations and a multimedia
The textbook, entirely written by Italian academic gastroenterologists, is primarily
addressed to medical students attending the different Integrated Courses of
Medicine and Surgery, who are preparing the test for passing the exam of
The present volume has been updated and enriched in order to
offer a user-friendly tool to learn basic and clinical Gastroenterology, always in line
with the most recent research and pedagogical methodologies.
The volume consists of 51 chapters, organised in 6 sections:
- The first section presents introductory topics, with a special focus on nutrition,
malnutrition, microbiota, and gastrointestinal hormones;
- The second section discusses oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum diseases;
- The third section describes small bowel and colon diseases;
- The fourth section focuses on liver diseases;
- The fifth section is centred around the biliary tracts and pancreas diseases;
- The sixth section discusses emergencies in Gastroenterology.
Each chapter of the volume displays its learning objectives summarised in the first
page, giving the student a guide for their preparation. Essential key concepts and
up-to-date references are indicated at the end of each chapter.
As for the previous
editions, the textbook consists of both a paper volume and multimedia contents,
easily accessible on the UNIGASTRO link, which provide the students with an
interactive experience of a multitude of clinical cases, grouped by symptoms,
diagnostic procedures, supplementary in-depth analyses, and multiple-choice