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Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review

Titolo Professionale - Anestesia - Rianimazione, Anestesia - Terapia Intensiva

marzo 2015
ISBN: ENG400328662
Pagine: 320
Formato: 216 X 276 mm

From basic sciences to general anesthesia and subspecialty considerations, Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review prepares you for certification and re-certification examinations as well as clinical practice. One thousand completely updated review questions-vetted by Mayo residents-cover the latest discoveries and techniques in physics, biochemistry, and anesthesia equipment; the newest drugs and drug categories; and the most recent information on all anesthesia subspecialties. Easily accessible and concise, this is the perfect resource to ensure mastery of anesthesiology.


  • Familiarize yourself with the current ABA exam content and format. With hundreds of thoroughly revised, challenging board review questions and answers, this essential study guide is an ideal way to assess and enhance your mastery of the information you need to know covering: the latest discoveries and techniques in physics, biochemistry, and anesthesia equipment; the newest drugs and drug categories; and the most recent information on all anesthesia subspecialties. 
  • Effortlessly study important points and reinforce your understanding with discussions after each question, along with corresponding page references to major anesthesia texts so it’s easy to find more information on any subject. 
  • Take it with you anywhere! With Expert Consult, you'll have access to the full text, question bank and more online, and as an eBook - at no additional cost!

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