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Imaging Skeletal Trauma

Rogers L.

Titolo - Radiologia

gennaio 2015
ISBN: ENG400772779
Pagine: 240
Formato: 222 X 281 mm

Last published over a decade ago, this classic radiology text has been exhaustively updated by leading experts to provide the latest techniques and advances available in radiology today. Exceptional in scope and lavishly illustrated throughout, Imaging of Skeletal Trauma continues to offer a comprehensive view of diagnostic imaging in the evaluation of skeletal trauma, now in one consolidated single volume.


  • Access the most important, need-to-know information regarding all aspects of imaging skeletal trauma with this consolidated single-volume edition.
  • Quickly reference critical material with an organization based on anatomical region.
  • Efficiently read and understand images while in an emergency setting with an expanded presentation of CT and MRI.
  • Take advantage of global expertise from brand-new contributing authors, including diagnostic radiologist Dr. O. Clark West.
  • View the fully searchable contents online at Expert Consult.

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